But suddenly, one of his two lifelines to normalcy is no longer around. They were working together to help a teenage boy work through some of the horrible, awful things done to him by his own stepfather, with his own mother's consent, and they were making real progress. This scenario actually happened to the author's colleague. Not because you can't do your job, not because you're difficult to work with, but because it's 1980s Florida, and Dade County has just passed sweeping anti-gay legislation, and it's been discovered that you and your roommate, Hans, are more than just roommates, and the board of directors at your clinic has decided they don't want a homosexual working for them. Now, say your boss calls you into his office and tells you that you're fired.

Well-liked by your peers, your opinion is sought on their cases, and they often ask for your assistance with their trickier clients.

Say you were a mental health professional, well-respected, a leader in your field.